Date: April 12, 2013View: 1187


The curtain descended on the European Distributors Conference 2013. It was held during Mar 25 to 29 in Guangzhou, China. Numbers of distributors from Russia, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Belarus, Romania etc, joined this event.

The curtain descended on the European Distributors Conference 2013. It was held during Mar 25 to 29 in Guangzhou, China. Numbers of distributors from Russia, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Belarus, Romania etc, joined this event.

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony was held on the morning of Mar 25th, presided over by the manager of Asia, Europe & Oceania Region Jackie Cheung. Mr. Han Yao, Manager of International Business Division, delivered welcome remarks there. By reviewing the past and introducing the latest progress outlook of SOUTH Group, a bright future was outlined. The distributors also shared their stories and experiences of SOUTH. In order to commend the distributors who have made outstanding contributions in 2012, Mr. Han Yao presented "excellent distributor award" and "most improvement distributor award" to the winners. 

Award Ceremony

In the afternoon, SOUTH's newly released total station and GPS products had been displayed. The most striking moment was the waterproof and anti-throw performance test to the new style RTK receiver. It still functioned properly after soaked in the water for a long time or dropped from two meters carbon fiber pole. Everyone exclaimed in great surprise! Mr. Liviu, General Manager of SOUTH Europe Marketing & Service Center said, in all his life as a surveyor-- 20 years, there is no anyone else did such similar things. The first day of the conference was round off by showing the distributors around the Surveying Building and Navigation Building. 

New product presentation

From 26th to 28th, South invited exports from Carlson Software and MicroSurvey Software to train our distributors and our staffs. Carlson's SurvCE is very famous and popular in European countries, while MicroSurvey is quite aggressive to cooperate with South and expand in European Market.  They gave interesting speeches and impressive demonstrations, and were always surrounded by people with various questions. Through three days of training, it's believed that the sales strength and competitiveness of SOUTH distributors will be further enhanced.

Training on field

On 29th, the European Distributors Conference 2013 drew to a successful close. As a renowned brand in the global stage, SOUTH will be shining continually.

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