Date: December 17, 2012View: 1089


Several days ago, a delegation from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES, Hong Kong Region) visited SOUTH Headquarters. Mr. Miao Xiaolin, Vice President of SOUTH Group, Mr. Yu Hanbo, Deputy General Manager of High-speed Railway Solutions Division, and Mr. Han Yao, General Manager of International Business Division, warmly received the distinguished guests here.

Several days ago, a delegation from The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) and Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES, Hong Kong Region) visited SOUTH Headquarters. Mr. Miao Xiaolin, Vice President of SOUTH Group, Mr. Yu Hanbo, Deputy General Manager of High-speed Railway Solutions Division, and Mr. Han Yao, General Manager of International Business Division, warmly received the distinguished guests here.

The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) is the only professional organization representing the surveying profession in Hong Kong. HKIS has an important consultative role in government policy making and on issues affecting the profession and most of its members are working in the Lands Department, HKSAR, where SOUTH representatives visited in 2007. A special issue on this visit was published accordingly.

After showing the visitors around the Surveying Building and Navigation Building, SOUTH people presented several topics to the audience by illustrating GIS business development, Compass navigation related products, automatic deformation monitoring system, etc. Furthermore, a site demonstration of how to use the track geometry measuring trolley was presented to conclude for this productive day. The Hong Kong engineers were all amazed by the rapid progress of this Chinese fast-growing giant in the surveying industry.

P.S. HKIS repeated a reciprocal agreement with CICES last August after the first 2 years' cooperation was terminated. CICES is a professional organization in the industry also highly recognized by the local governments.

Group photo in Surveying Building

Group photo in Navigation Building

Mr. Yang Yi is introducing the applications with the Compass Satellites System

Mr. Wang Sizhong is introducing the automatic deformation monitoring system

Mr. Max Hu is demonstrating applications of Compass RTK receivers

Site demonstration of track geometry measuring trolley

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