Date: November 15, 2012View: 1488


Last Friday, a delegation from HKIES (The Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors) visited SOUTH Headquarters. Mr. Ma Chao, President of SOUTH Group, Mr. Miao Xiaolin, Vice President of SOUTH Group, Mr. Zhang Xiaojiang, General Manager of High-speed Railway Solutions, and Mr. Han Yao, General Manager of International Business Division, warmly received the distinguished guests here.

It was the return visit from the Hong Kong community, as a presentation on high-speed railway precise measurement solutions was made a few months ago. After showing the visitors around the Surveying Building and Navigation Building, Mr. Li Hua, Mr. Yang Yi, Director of GPS Product Center and Mr. Wang Jianglin, Manager of 3rd R&D Department introduced the applications of Compass satellites and related products as well as the automatic deformation monitoring system to them. Furthermore, a site demonstration of how to use the track geometry measuring trolley and frame was presented to conclude for this productive day. The Hong Kong engineers were all amazed by the rapid progress of this Chinese fast-growing giant in the surveying industry.

It did make some sense to change their mind that instruments made in mainland China are not quality enough to compete with foreign brands. While on the right track, warming up the market and further development are just a matter of time, within the reach of hardworking team.

P.S. Most of the HKIES members, directly or indirectly, serve the Hong Kong MTR (Mass Transit Railway) Corporation for the railway/metro construction and deformation monitoring projects.

Group photo in front of Surveying Building

Visitors in the workshop of Navigation Building

Mr. Yang Yi is introducing the applications with the Compass Satellites System

Mr. Li Hua is introducing the hardware devices of deformation monitoring system

Mr. Wang Jianglin is introducing the software segment of deformation monitoring system

Site demonstration of track geometry measuring trolley and frame

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