Date: September 07, 2012View: 1047


It was a busy moment for SOUTH in Australia last week, as 2 shows, ISPRS2012 and ISV2012 were going on at the same time in Melbourne.

It was a busy moment for SOUTH in Australia last week, as 2 shows, ISPRS2012 and ISV2012 were going on at the same time in Melbourne.

The first one was held in Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Center for the XXII Congress of International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, during August 25th to September 2nd. The great event attracted more than 2000 participants from worldwide and the new session of council members were elected. Mr. Chen Jun, Chief Engineer of National Geomatics Center, was successfully made to ISPRS President for the next turn, during 2012-2016. And Prof. Li Deren was awarded as a lifetime member of honor. Furthermore, Prof. Gong Jianya, Academician of China Academy of Sciences, was elected as President of Technical Committee XI while Engr. Jiang Jie from the National Geomatics Center, President of Technical Committee IX. It's the first time for Chinese expert to take an important role in this community and China is the only country which acquired 2 TEC Presidency. China did have a sound record in the election this time, and the National Administration of Surveying and Geo-information grouped some of the enterprises to be part of equipments show, where they highlighted in the event as a China Pavilion.

The second exhibition came up on August 31, for the Institution of Surveyors Victoria (ISV). As a commercial member of ISV, SOUTH was invited to attend the show and meet the key surveyors in the Victoria State. Face-to-face communication has helped the representatives a great deal to understand what the users need and how the market is oriented.

Some voices from 2 shows in 1 city came to a close for a wonderful and meaningful week for SOUTH.

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