Date: July 24, 2012View: 1142


A few days ago, SOUTH was invited to Hong Kong and had a meeting with MTR Corporation, which is responsible for the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link.

A few days ago, SOUTH was invited to Hong Kong and had a meeting with MTR Corporation, which is responsible for the Hong Kong Section of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link.

The delegation from SOUTH, including Mr. Zhang Xiaojiang, General Manager of Guangzhou South High-Speed Railway Solutions Co. Ltd, and Mr. Han Yao, General Manager of International Business Division, was shown to one of the project site offices as well as the MTR Corporation headquarters. The nice communication with lots of points in exchange resulted in a long talk of 3 hours, more than originally scheduled, simply 1 hour.

In the evening, a seminar was organized by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineering Surveyors (hereafter short as "HKIES") in Polytechnic University. Those surveyors who are involved in the express rail link project were invited and Mr. Zhang Xiaojiang was the keynote speaker, presenting the stories and technologies from South. The full audience was really absorbed in the topics, as South did have tremendous achievements in this field. And Mr. Zhang, the key man of HSRS, is exactly the right one to show them such stories and experiences in high speed railway projects.

Guangzhou South High-Speed Railway Solutions Co. Ltd (hereafter short as "HSRS"), a subsidiary company of the South Group, specializes in the products and solutions for high-speed rail constructions. The ongoing growth of HSRS witnessed the rapid developments of China's high speed rail links, one of the key infrastructure projects in recent years. Long time ago, high speed railway construction used to be the great pride of the well developed countries like Germany, Japan, etc. But now, China has proved its high-speed rail technology to the world and honorably, SOUTH contributed a great deal in the pursuit of this significant breakthrough. Besides, the South HSRS team has helped China's Ministry of Railway directly or indirectly to construct more than 60% of the railway projects in terms of precise control survey, track geometry measurements, track plate precise adjustment, etc.

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