Date: June 09, 2011View: 1159

8th June 2011, It is special and happy time for Surveying Industry in Mumbai, India. SOUTH NEW PRODUCTS RELEASE CONFERENCE IN MUMBAI was opening in CBD, Belapur. There are more than 100 valuable customers from all professions in surveying field gathered in the conference and witnessed the meaningful moment of SOUTH. 
It was first time for SOUTH to organize this grand conference in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The guests in the conference paid big attention and good support for this activity. There were so many customers come from far away to Navi Mumbai. Some guests from Gujarat came at the very early morning about 2:00 am after long time journey, some customers came very late even the conference was closed. But they showed a big interest to SOUTH conference and they are eager to get the information about new technology and products from SOUTH. It makes us very exciting and appreciated them very much. 
SOUTH conference launched new products in 2011 like NTS370R which is mini Windows Total station. The leading roles of new products are GPS RTK S86T and S82T which are most attractive for the customers. All the guests in the conference are eager to know about new knowledge of GPS. They learned very carefully from SOUTH general manager Mr Balinder Kumar. Almost all the clients joined the whole process of demonstration of GPS RTK Road show. They communicated with SOUTH Sr. Technical Manager Mr Pankaj about the questions of GPS. In whole process of Demonstration, the clients showed to us very professional, very intelligent, and very dedicated. It makes us amazing about high quality and high level of our customers because most of them are G.M or high position staff.  After conference, all the customers spoke highly about SOUTH achievement and effort in surveying field. There were many customers showed intention to purchase our products very soon. They want to use advanced instruments to do effective work immediately. They hope they can get the success with SOUTH support. It is our great pleasure to support customers for success. We remember our slogan “Target your success!” and do the same all the time. 
This conference, it is professional and successful from the host, speakers and guests. Demos are very serious and fine. Speeches are masterly and professional. Lucky draw program is quite pleasant moment for all. It created a good image to customers including SOUTH history, products, technology and capacity and the confidence to get the best service from SOUTH. They blessed that SOUTH can develop better and open fruitful year of 2011.

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