Date: July 21, 2010View: 1226

After three years of carefully organizing and strategic marketing the brand of SOUTH in India: SOUTH India office has finally achieved a new stage with the expansion in the India Surveying market. SOUTH India office moved new place, located in New Delhi where the most promising economic and technological developmental zone among the city. New Delhi in India is considered to be the center of its industrial development which consists of some of the well known companies around the world. SOUTH India, the new office address is located at 11th floor of R. G TOWER, convenient in all forms of transportation:near a modern subway station, bus stations, moreover, equipped a large parking lot.

SOUTH has achieved a great reputation in the Indian market, by consistently adhering to SOUTH’s first principle, which is to accommodate the needs of our clients. Growth and expansion is the result of their hard work; now all together there are four branch offices located in New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, covering the Indian market in all regions from East to West. This is why that SOUTH is able to provide convenient as well as top grade services to the current surveying instrument market of India, and has since SOUTH's first debut, set a clear and positive reputation for the brand of SOUTH.

SOUTH Group hopes to help our local distributor in the world market, improve market share, and increasing our efforts towards service, brand building, and making the brand of SOUTH into a world class status within the surveying industry. 

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