Date: June 26, 2018View: 2054


With the determination to put data collection with GNSS receivers on the next level, South distributor have started their project of CORS stations in european city Banja Luka. The training for South CORS system was organized during 10 to 13th May 2018, at the same time the first South reference station was built and start running successfully in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

With the determination to put data collection with GNSS receivers on the next level, South distributor have started their project of CORS stations in european city Banja Luka. The training for South CORS system was organized during 10 to 13th May 2018, at the same time the first South reference station was built and start running successfully in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Installation of CR3-G3 antenna with true coordinate measurement


Training of South NRS software and the data management

The idea for South reference station project is aiming to improve connections with their costumers, helping them to lighten use of GNSS services and enhancing South GNSS position in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The benefits for local surveyors are enormous, South distributor provides them complete technical support whenever the users login South CORS services to get the accurate and stable corrections, and offers them an easier way of surveying with their GNSS receivers.


Accuracy test in the field(>20km from the reference station)

We believe, this project will not only help South distributor to accomplish their target plan, but also will help them to integrate more South products, to do branding for their company on the whole region and obtain more projects in the coming future.

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