Date: September 25, 2010View: 1375

In June, impacted by nearly half a month’s heavy rain, the direct economic losses has amounted to several billion dollars in Fujian province, among which the most affected areas is Nanping City. June 26, big danger is founded on the mountain behind An Feng Waterworks in Nanping City , to protect the Nanping citizens’ safety the changes of the mountain wall need be  monitored,  SOUTH Total Station played an important role Nanping citizens’ safety and received high praise.

Impacted by nearly half a month’s heavy rain fall in the month of June, the direct economic losses has amounted to several billion dollars in Fujian province, amongst the most affected areas is Nanping City. On June 26, immediate danger is founded on the mountain side behind An Feng Waterworks in Nanping City, to protect the Nanping citizens’ safety, the changes of the mountain wall needed to be in constant surveillance, SOUTH Total Station played an important role for the safety of Nanping citizens’, which in turn, received esteemed compliments. 

On the evening of June 26, when Nanping’s urban and rural survey team got the call to survey the foundation of the surrounding walls, without any delay, they rushed to the scene. The surveyors quickly organized an observation group with surveying equipments including SOUTH total station as its primary instrument for measurement.

The observation team is led by chief Zhou Bin, with team member including senior engineer Yu Hongwei and engineer Wu Shunliang. Due to the limitations of the space as well as its location, it is impossible for the observation team members to sight the cracking wall at the designated safety zones. Braving the dangers surrounding the area, they decided to continue and proceed with the job at hand.

 With limited options and the urgency of the situation, they decided to set up an observation deck 13 meters away directly across from the cracking wall risking any landslides that which may happen at anytime. Every half an hour the surveyors provide valuable as well as precise data records of the wall displacements to the rescue headquarters. The surveying team, of which provided important data references to the rescue headquarters in order for them to make viable and effective rescue plan.

On the morning of June 27, due to the erosion of the water flowing hole and rain infiltration, situation has escalated to a more alarming state. Under the given circumstance, in order to ensure the safety of the construction crew next to the retaining wall, in view of the SOUTH Total Station’s steady performance against risk in the previous flood relief sector: team leader Zhou Bin decided to import another Total station from SOUTH Nanping Branch in order to increase the observation point, and increase observation density initiatively. Observation team members stand for hours in a day aside the observation point, collecting a set of data every 10 minutes on its surroundings and report them to the rescue headquarters in a timely fashion. This is so that the rescue headquarter can have a precise measurement of the wall displacement and the structure of the mountain’s landscape for a safe rescue program

A heart pounding night had pass, and a dangerous situation had seemed to be finally under control. During the follow-up reconstruction and reinforcement of the wall, However, the changes made to the mountain wall should be kept under surveillance due to its beginning stages of renovation. The crew of Nanping’s urban and rural survey team worked in a shift system to ensure the uninterrupted 24-hours of data gathering.   

24 hours non-stop shooting towards the cracking wall

3 Total Stations working side by side in order to ensure all the necessary corners are checked

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