Date: September 25, 2010View: 1395

At 8 o’clock on August 12,2010,Taiyuan, in the capital of Shanxi Province, there are two land subsidence in the Twin Tower East Street, about 9 o’clock,  near People’s hospital, the east of the oral diseases clinic building collapsed, luckily no casualties.

After the danger occurs, the surveyors of the municipal departments of Taiyuan Municipal Engineering Design Institute were called at once to operate the on-site survey monitoring. Led by Captain An Chengyi, Senior engineers Bai Jiwu, Liang Qingpeng went for the task at the first moment with SOUTH RTK STAR S86.

‘At that urgent moment, we have no time to think, just pick up the instruments and go at once.’said by Captain An Chengyi.’When we arrived the scene,we immediately used STAR S86 and levels to measure, the obtaining field data is influential in disaster monitoring and prediction’.

Two big pits appeared after the land subsidence, diameter of the bigget one is up to two buses length, and about 7 to 8 meters deep. The collapse roads and the nearby hospital is constantly sinking, the housing can be collapsed at any time.

Surveyors are obtaining field data for disaster monitoring and forecasting.According to their initial judgment, the subsidence is caused by of underground pipeline rupture caused roadbed damage .

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