Date: August 31, 2017View: 1268


From 23th Aug to 25th Aug, three guests from Chile visited SOUTH, they are SOUTH old friend Mr Eduardo Daniels(SOUTH Chile distributor) and his two specialized customers(Hernan and Gabriel). It is the third time that Mr Eduardo Daniels come to SOUTH for training and business. As a farsighted business man, Mr Eduardo Daniels always keep pace with the evolving technologies and revolutionary changes. To grasp the new growth in the surveying market, Mr Eduardo Daniels with his two customers come to SOUTH for full UAV training.

From 23th Aug to 25th Aug, three guests from Chile visited SOUTH, they are SOUTH old friend Mr Eduardo Daniels(SOUTH Chile distributor) and his two specialized customers(Hernan and Gabriel). It is the third time that Mr Eduardo Daniels come to SOUTH for training and business. As a farsighted business man, Mr Eduardo Daniels always keep pace with the evolving technologies and revolutionary changes. To grasp the new growth in the surveying market, Mr Eduardo Daniels with his two customers come to SOUTH for full UAV training.

First, In the morning of 24th Aug, Jackie(SOUTH UAV manager) introduced the development of SOUTH UAV. Then he presented the detailed specifications and advantages(like material, cruising duration and more powerful software etc.) of SOUTH UAV compared with other brand. Guests are attracted and satisfied by SOUTH UAV products.


Then in the afternoon, SOUTH accompany with our guests to the field to do the flight test.



 (Gabriel is ready to launch the UAV A21)

The flight tests are very stable and good although the wind is very strong. Our guests are very satisfied with the performance of the SOUTH fixed wing UAV A21. They are shocked by the landing precision of A21 RTK version with saying that ”it is amazing, what we need in Chile is just such landing precision ”.

After the flight tests in the field, we back to indoor for post process by using Skyphoto software.

With the good performance fast processing speed for photos, simple operation and all kinds of output etc, guests are attracted by our products again. They are very confident with SOUTH UAV after 2 days self-experience.


With the development of surveying engineering, It has become necessary to be more efficient and intelligent for field surveying. Thus, the UAV Surveying are developing rapidly in recently years. As a leading brand in the China’s surveying industry, SOUTH are committed to provide the best UAV solutions to our customers.

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